Friday, January 9, 2009

Have a Frenemy? Send Them Poo.

Most people have that one person they'd really like to stick it to, but can't. Maybe it's your mother-in-law, who has brought the art of passive-aggressiveness to a whole new level, or your boss, who thinks it's totally fine to have you do all the work while he takes all the credit. 

Well, now the entrepreneurial crackerjacks over at have made it possible for you to do something about it, anonymously. I know you have many questions, so let me quickly answer them for you:

Q: How much does it cost to send someone poo?
A: Sending poo costs $12.95 - $23.95 plus shipping, depending on the type and amount.

Q: What kind of poo can I send?
A: Cow, Elephant, or Gorilla

Q: ZOMG, that's hilarious. Has anyone famous been sent poo?
A: Funny that you ask -- yes! But actually, not through this service.

Q: And it's totally anonymous?
A: Yes. Well, at least until someone receives a delivery of poo in the mail, get angry and wants to sue the sender for assault (hello, E. coli?), and then the police force the company to release all their records. 

Ready to send poo? Go here

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